Intro to Al

The full name of this course is:

ChatGPT and Other Al Wonders.

The Instructor uses Al every day, and is keen to share her approaches.

Cost: $20.00

Open Mic

Sign up as an observer or a presenter. You can come in and leave any time between 12:30PM and 1:30PM. If we only have a few presenters, We will end before 1:30.

Cost: $4.00

Great Data Tools

The world of data journalism has much to offer progressive change makers. There has been explosion of free and open source tools. Let’s add them to our tool kits!

Cost: $20.00 (generally taken together with Thursday Office Hours)

Office Hours

This course is under development. I’d like to chat with folks about their data and what you are trying to do with it. to help inform the development of this course.

Free for now.

Cost: $10.00

Al, Data and Code

This is a follow-up to Great Data tools. We will strive to install open source software on your Chromebook Mac, or GitHub account. If you are very technically proficient, this is also an opportunity to “give back”

Cost: $10.00


What Students Are Saying About Us

Don’t just take our word for it - hear from some of our satisfied students!

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Marvin McKinney

Web Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui iusto illo molestias, assumenda expedita commodi inventore non itaque molestiae voluptatum dolore, facilis sapiente, repellat veniam.

Marvin McKinney

Web Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui iusto illo molestias, assumenda expedita commodi inventore non itaque molestiae voluptatum dolore, facilis sapiente, repellat veniam.

Marvin McKinney

Web Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui iusto illo molestias, assumenda expedita commodi inventore non itaque molestiae voluptatum dolore, facilis sapiente, repellat veniam.

Marvin McKinney

Web Designer